Subordinate Offices of MMD, Mumbai
NEW DELHI (Exam Centre) | GOA |
Mercantile Marine Department, New Delhi (Examination Centre Only) 3rd Floor, IWAI Building, A-13,Sector 1, Noida. Tel No: 0120-2412508/2411168 E-mail:- |
Mercantile Marine Department, Murmagoa Goa-403 803 Tel No: 0832-2520617. Fax No: 0832-2520739 E-mail:- |
4(1) (b) i Organisation, functions and duties
Mercantile Marine Department, Mumbai, (MMD) situated at Old CGO Building, Marine Lines, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai, functions under the Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi.
Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai (DGS) under the Department of Shipping of the Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways, is the Head Quarter of MMD, Mumbai.
MMD Mumbai's jurisdiction encompasses the States of Maharashtra and Goa.
Mercantile Marine Department, Mumbai district has Two sub-offices. These are situated at Goa and an exclusive Examination Centre at Noida (New Delhi).
Only Survey and Certification functions are carried out at Goa,
(Examination related work is not carried out at the above offices.).
Only examination related work is carried out at Noida (New Delhi) (survey and certification work is not carried out).
Shipping Office, Mumbai, Director of Seaman’s Employment Office, Mumbai and Regional Office (Sails) Jamnagar and Mumbai, are under the administrative control of MMD, Mumbai. Day to day functioning and technical aspects are directly controlled by the DGS.
The main functions and duties of the MMD are as follows:-
- Implementation of the MS ACT1958 as amended.
- Implementation of shipping related International conventions, recommendations and guidelines as adopted by the Government of India (GOI) from time to time.
The detailed list of functions and duties are as follows:-
- Registration of sea-going vessels as per the provisions laid down in Part V of the MS Act and the rules made thereunder.
- Conduct examinations as required under Part VI of the MS Act and the rules made thereunder.
- Survey of Passenger ships as per the provisions laid down in Part VIII of the MS Act and the rules made thereunder.
- Ensuring safety of the ships as per the procedures laid down in Part IX of the MS Act and the rules made thereunder.
- Conduct investigations and inquiries into shipping casualties on Indian ships in any part of the world and foreign vessels in India, as a substantially interested state, as required under Part XII of the MS Act.
- Implementation of IMO and ILO conventions, recommendation, obligations as adopted by the Government of India from time to time.
- Conduct audits under the ISM Code and ISPS Code.
Flow chart of the organization is given on the next page

Ranks as equivalent to the ranks shown in the organization chart are as follows: | ||
Principal Officer (PO) |
= | Principal Officer-cum-Joint Director of Shipping (Technical). |
DyCSS | = | Deputy Chief Ship Surveyor with Govt. of India-cum-Senior Deputy Director General of Shipping (Technical). |
Dy CS | = | Deputy Chief Ship Surveyor with Govt. of India-cum-Senior Deputy Director General of Shipping (Technical). |
Dy NA | = | Deputy Nautical Adviser to Govt. of India-cum-Senior Deputy Director General of Shipping (Technical). |
SS | = | Ship Surveyor-cum- Deputy Director General of Shipping (Technical). |
E&SS | = | Engineer & Ship Surveyor-cum- Deputy Director General of Shipping (Technical). |
NS | = | Nautical surveyor- cum- Deputy Director General of Shipping (Technical). |
SIC | = | Surveyor-in-Charge. |
Sr RS | = | Senior Radio Surveyor-cum-Assistant Director General of Shipping (GMDSS). |
RI | = | Radio Inspector |
DSEO | = | Director Seaman Employment Office. |
RO (Sails) | = | Regional Office (Sails) |
A.O. | = | Administrative Officer |
S. M. | = | Shipping Master |